You people have read a lot of articles that are written about How to make your phone charge Faster. But you have come to this article because you could not get rid of the problem of your slow mobile charging problem.
Many times it happens to me that whenever I charge my mobile on charging, after 1 hour I see that only 10 to 15 percent battery is charged. There will be many people like me who have this problem. Today I will tell you about how I got rid of this problem. That is not a problem. Even then while charging a mobile phone battery, I will tell you some guidelines.
While charging, it is important to take care of some things which we often ignore them. Mostly we have a habit that we use the mobile phone while charging, which is the biggest mistake one. Don’t use mobile while charging.
Also Read: The solution for Facing Google Play Services Battery Drain Problem
I have written down 7 steps that you can increase charging Speed.
Step 1. Check your Mobile Charge Specification
Every single member in our house has a mobile phone. It is a simple thing that we use each other’s mobile phone charger in the house. We think that Micro USB that looks the same will do the same work. But we forget to see one thing here that the mobile charger’s specifications. The specification of the mobile charger is always written on the charger.
Now, understand that your mobile supports charging 2 amperes and 5.7 volts. If you charge your mobile with another charger which supports only 0.5 amperes and 3.5 volts. You tell your mobile will charge fast or at a slow speed. Simple thing is that your mobile will charge at a very slow speed.
Always check charger’s specifications before using any mobile charger.
Step 2. Check your Charging Cable
How many chargers are available in the market like dash charging, fast charging, quick charging, lots of. But all those chargers are useless if your charger cable is useless? I am not saying here that whatever cable you are using now is useless.
However, you have to take care of the charger’s cable along with the charger. You must have heard of Resistance. Resistance means interrupting someone or something. The more thin wire cable has more resistance and the thick wire cable has less resistance.
Suppose your mobile charger sends 2-ampere currents towards mobile. In the middle of, thin and low-quality cable, due to high resistance, the mobile will not be charged fast. The current of 2 amperes only eliminates by your low-quality cable.
For the sake of telling you, the water from a thick pipe will come out quickly or with a thin pipe? Everyone knows that the thick pipe will get more water. Likewise, something similar happens to the charger cable. Low-quality cable means not taking full advantage of the charger.
Always use high-quality cable. You can find out the capability of the cable by following, Step 3. I have told all in the third step.
Step 3. Check Ampere of Charging or Cable with App
This Ampere app from Braintrap will always work in your slow charging problem. With this mobile app, you will find that there is a problem in mobile or in the charger. Firstly download this app.
Click on the screenshot to download the app.
[appbox googleplay com.gombosdev.ampere]Now open this app. When you open this app then you will start seeing some ampere like – 200mAh. It will keep changing randomly. This is the ampere that your mobile is currently consuming from the battery.
Now you have the charger with your mobile. Then you will see your ampere changing Negative to Positive. If your mobile charger sends the current of 2 amperes and is showing less than 1000 mAh on the ampere app then you should check by changing cable. If the Ampere App is showing more than 1,000mAh by changing the cable, then your last used cable was faulty. Change the cable and Your mobile will charge at the right time.
Step 4.Turn On Aeroplane Mode
If you want to charge mobile quickly, then turn on your mobile’s Aeroplane mode. This will happen that your internet, network, mobile data, all this will be closed. You will not have any contacts from any network.
By turning on the airplane mode, your mobile phone starts charging 40 percent faster. This is because your mobile does not consume less battery due to any network connected to it. At this time, keep your WiFi turned off too.
Step 5. Place your phone at Cool
Whenever you charge your mobile, keep in mind that the mobile is in a cool place. So, when the mobile is charging then the heat of the mobile battery increases so much that it does not catch much input current. For this reason, the battery stops charging. We think of how long we have put the charger but not being a charge.
Charging the battery is also your hot environment cause problem. Another solution is also if the cover of your mobile is covered by the backside, then remove the cover from backside while charging.
Step 6. Turn Off Mobile Phone
What happens most often is when we use mobile when charging mobile for charging. You have no benefit, on the one hand, your mobile battery is charging and the other is discharging on the other. If you are so addicted to mobile that you can not stay then you can turn off your mobile.
Turning off mobile is the only best and easiest way to charge your mobile fast. This will be the advantage of whether your mobile will be quickly charged. Why mobile is charging fast and why mobile is charging quickly because it is the use of any activity and any function and any type of mobile phone on the mobile.
If you do not use your mobile at the time of charging, then you can put it on Aeroplane Mode. If you use mobile at the time of charging, you must close the mobile.
Step 7. Don’t Use WiFi Charger
Do not use WiFi mobile charger at any time. This is the reason why the charging cable is made by 4 days, you will not get it on the WiFi charger. The wifi charger always charges up to 50 percent less than your cable charger, and it will be right for you to absorb this type of charge.
Instead of the wifi charger, you should always use a charger with a wall socket.
In the END: If you follow these 7 steps and charge your mobile, the charging speed of your mobile will increase by 60{c01fd01664d6978ff380ee0405e352777a6a44320fa806b062c63fc854916434}. I also charge my mobile faster than this. This has proved to be the most effective steps I have ever done. Happy Charging 🙂
Thank you so much. It helped me a lot
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one is sharing information, that’s actually excellent,
keep up writing.
thank you